Hey, Kelsi.
That's good, if school's doing fine. I myself are doing good at home. It feels good being home alone. But, I can't say that everything's going good. No, not at all. In fact, I'll be moving to India with mom and Yash. I can't take this crap anymore. Yes, that means quitting my job. Not that I have any choice- yesterday morning when I arrived, the cafe was all a pile of ash and broken pieces of burnt wood. Everything was gone. Whoever burned the restaurant did a pretty good job with it. I bet they're proud of themselves. Also, Alex didn't want to move to India with me, so I told him I was done with his horrible behavior with me and my family, so even though we're married, once I've got everything settled in India, I'll be going for a divorce. Other than that, I love you Kelsi, stay healthy, keep your friends.